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Table of Contents

Interacting with Pepper

Prerequisite: Autonomous Life: ON

To chat with Pepper :

1Get close enough, and make sure Pepper has seen you.Pepper will detect your presence if you approach within five feet (1.5 meter).For further details, read How Pepper detects humans section below.
2Check if Pepper is listening: his eyes should be navy blue. For further details, read How I know Pepper is listening section below.
3Say a short sentence, in one go. Pepper takes a little time to process what you said; at this time, his eyes are green. Then he gives you an answer.
For further information, go to the link: Basic Channel – What can I say to Pepper.


  • Pepper says nothing, why? If Pepper did not understand what you said, he starts listening again. In this case, you will hear two “bilips” in a row, one when he stops listening, the second when he stats listening again. Repeat lounder or try another sentence.
  • Pepper starts talking before I finished, why? Pauses are interpreted as the end of the sentence, so do not hesitate: speak loud and clear, without hesitation.

Calling Pepper 

Prerequisite: Autonomous Life: ON

When Pepper has not yet seen you, or is not close enough to be fully listening, he may, however, understand a few words.

Speaking loud enough to be heard, call Pepper with one of the following sentences:

“Pepper”Pepper has a small reaction.
“Hello”, “Hi”Pepper has a small reaction.
“Come Here”, “Come Closer”If Pepper is able to see you, he asks for confirmation. If you confirm, Pepper comes closer.
“Pepper Come Here”, “Pepper Come Closer”If Pepper is able to see you, he comes closer.

Understanding interaction

How Pepper detects humans 

Pepper tries, as much as possible, to establish and keep eye contact with people around.

To do so, Pepper:

A    Looks in the direction of any detected stimulus – sound, movement, touch.
BChecks if this stimulus may correspond to a human.If a human is detected, Pepper tries to keep eye contact with him/her,If not, Pepper goes back to his previous occupation.


Pepper does not react to new stimulus:

  • When processing a stimulus (i.e. checking if it corresponds to a human). Pepper does not react to other stimuli until he has finished to process the first one.
  • When engaged in an Activity or a Dialog. When Pepper is chatting with a human, he always keeps tracking the human until the human has left.
  • When Pepper is in the middle of an Activity, all his actions are exclusively defined by the Activity itself.

How I know Pepper is listening 

To make sure Pepper is listening, check his eye LEDs, and pay attention to the slight “blip” sounds.


When the eye LEDs are…Pepper
Navy blue, rotating    is listening.
Greenhas stopped listening.Pepper is processing what a human just said.
White or pale blueis not listening, because he:is currently speaking, orhas not detected any human presence.

Sound feedback 

Additionally, slight “bilip” sounds can be heard when Pepper starts and stops listening:

  • when starting listening, the sound is ascending,
  • when stopping the sound is descending.