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NAO – Diagnostic Check Up behavior – How to perform it correctly ?

It is important the customers follow these steps carefully, otherwise it could generate an error that will prevent NAO from moving correctly.

What is the Diagnostic Check Up behavior ?

  • A behavior that will automatically start during the first boot after a NAOqi update.
  • It is made to ensure the feet sensors and the chest Inertial Motion Unit are working correctly.
  • It only happens once. When completed, the result (passed or failed) will be saved in the NAO’s memory and will be used for every NAO boot.

How to run the behavior properly

Step 1:

  • During the boot sequence NAO will say the following sentence : “Please, touch my head or my bumpers, so I can wake up correctly”
  • Make sure the robot has enough space to move then press one of the feet bumpers or touch the head sensitive area.

Step 2:

  • Let NAO perform the behavior.
You must not touch it during the whole process in order to have correct sensors values.Touching or moving the robot during this behavior could generate false sensor measurements and a FAILED result.

The result is FAIL -> how to correct it ?

  • In case the result is failed, please follow the steps metionned in this article : How to fix a Diagnostic Check Up issue