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How-to Factory Reset NAO


What is a Factory Reset

A Factory Reset operation resets the robot to its factory settings:

  • It removes the User data and the system partition that are on the robot.
  • It reinstalls a NAOqi OS on the Robot.

The Factory Reset operation cannot be done remotely. Depending of the tool used (see below), the Factory Reset may also include a Cloud Reset that will remove from the ADE all Preferences, Groups, Profiles, Channels, Robot type, Robot Owner, Robot Viewer, Robot Admin and applications linked to the Robot.

After a Factory Reset without Cloud Reset, when doing the Getting Started Wizard, all the Cloud data (Preferences, Groups, Profiles…) and all the applications linked to the Robot or to its Profiles are automatically reinstalled on the Robot.

Consequently, if there was an issue with applications or Cloud configuration, the issue reoccurs. 

Available tools to perform a Factory Reset

via Robot Settingsvia Choregraphevia SSHvia USB KEY
Robot Factory reset
Cloud Reset

The recommended tool is Robot Settings menu because it is the only tool to perform a full Factory Reset including the Cloud Reset.

By using another tool, the Cloud Reset can be done separately via the ADE frontend by a Customer Care member with “Fleet Manager” rights.


Via Robot Settings

  • a robot,
  • an internet connection,
  • the robot’s battery charger,
  • a computer connected to the same network as the robot.

Via Choregraphe

  • a robot,
  • an internet connection and a NAOqi system image,
  • the robot’s battery charger,
  • Choregraphe (its version must correspond with the NAOqi already installed on the robot)
  • a computer connected to the same network as the robot.


To avoid the Factory Reset process being interrupted, keep the robot charging while performing the Factory Reset.

Process via Robots Settings app

Turn on the robot.Start the Robot Settings software.
Select the Nao you want to perform the Factory reset on.
Select “SETTINGS”.
Press “Start Factory Reset”.
Press “NEXT”.
Log in with your Softbank Robotics account.
Press “Launch Factory Reset”.
Confirm by clicking Factory Reset button.
Now your Nao will be reseted to the factory settings. Once it is done, you will see the following screen.
Check that the factory reset has been done properly: Press the chest button once to hear NAO’s notification. The robot says: “I have successfully updated my system, I am now running version XXXX. I have successfully completed my factory reset, all my data and settings have been reset”.You can set up your Nao robot again.

Process via Choregraphe app

Download a compatible NAOqi system image on your computer.
Start Choregraphe software and connect your Nao to it :
On the top menu, click “Connection -> Advanced -> Update robot system…”
Enter the robot’s password (by default: “nao”).
Click “Browse“.
Select the NAOqi image you want to use.
Select “Yes, I want to apply a facrtory reset to delete all the user data” and click “Factory reset and update“.
Click “Next“.
Once the process is over, click “Restart robot now“. During the reboot, the robot will start the factory reset process, the process will take several minutes.
After the robot has rebooted, NAO stands up and the chest button LED blinks green.Check that the Factory Reset is properly done: press the chest button once to hear NAO’s notification. The robot should say: “I have successfully updated my system, I am now running version (says the version installed by the factory reset). I have successfully completed my factory reset, all my data and settings have been reset”.