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Plato 2.0

SW version (december 2024)

Plato Router becomes optional

You already deployed a Plato using the router?

2 options:

  • You can keep the router to use its Wi-Fi network
  • You can unplug the router and connect Plato and the tablet directly to your own Wi-Fi network. Go in the Settings / Internet and change the network

It’s now possible to use Plato without the tablet by mapping from the robot directly, without tablet and without Internet connectivity.

You are getting Plato for the first time without the router

Select your WIFI network during the first configuration of Plato and the tablet. The internet connexion is required only for the first configuration.

Internet connexion is not mandatory for daily usage but still recommended:


  1. You need Internet connectivity to make Plato and its Tablet communicate with each other. Use the tablet for remote control. While it is possible to use Plato without the tablet by mapping from the robot directly, it’s recommended to use the tablet for better mapping experience.

  2. To get informed of the SW updates and to get remote support by our support teams if you need assistance.