NAO Activities
NAO Activities for Education

Aldebaran is deeply committed to education and wants to give the best tools to teaching professionals to improve the way our children learn.

NAO Activities was born from the finding of education professionals that playful and immersive learning experiences provide better results than usual methods.

In collaboration with teachers and education professionals, we created an easy to use solution combining generative AI and Aldebaran’s expertise in humanoid robots.
NAO Activities for Senior Care

Assist elder people with cognitive and conversational activities.

Engagement capabilities allow NAO to deliver playful experiences for group activities.

Want to Get your NAO with NAO Activities?
It has never been so stimulating to learn Languages, Maths, Sciences, History, and so many other subjects.
Activities are materialized by cards containing QR Codes to initiate discussion topics with NAO.
You can create your own activities in natural language without any programming skills.

Easy to use
Unlimited content with no need for complex programming
Use the library of pre-designed Activities created with teachers from different school levels, or simply create your own Activities and print related card to start using them.
100% Natural Interactions
No screen, No Remote Controller

Key Benefits of playful learning experiences
Fun learning experiences capture and maintain students’ attention, making them more active and interested.
Students better retain information when they are emotionally engaged in the learning process.
Play stimulates creativity, critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
Social skills development
Collaborative activities and group games promote teamwork, communication and interpersonal skills.
Motivation and self-confidence
Fun learning experiences increase students’ motivation and confidence.

Download NAO Activities brochure

From years now, Aldebaran is committed to ensure full compliance with Data Privacy regulations.
Regarding AI, one of our development priorities is to provide monitoring and transparency on the database used by AI, as well as data protection (RGPD – IA ACT).
These will be strengthen with next generation of Robots such Nao7 and Flex