
Provide immersive ways to learn programming, AI and any course content from primary to high school (K-12)

Aldebaran is part of EDTech France.

The community of french companies that use technologies to serve education and training.

Why use our Robots in EDUCATION

natural interactions

immersive learning experiences

With soft & neutral expressions, NAO is an effective tool in education with the IEP (Individualized Education Program), especially for students with disabilities such as autism or emotional and behavioral disorders.

NAO is an emotional robot that helps children reduce their timidity, reluctance, frustration, and build self-confidence, social skills and self-esteem. 

NAO encourages the acceptance of special education in an ordinary classroom, developing positive attitudes and perceptions towards special education.

Children shown great interest in NAO, discussing and interacting with NAO without any hesitation.

Want to get your NAO ?

NAO in special Education

Read articles and testimonials talking about usage of NAO for special Education.